Time Gerbil's Server Wiki

Asgardians missions are missions that are set to take place in the several realms floating above and around the central city. These missions can only be attempted by Level 3 Agents and onwards and have a medium difficulty rating.

List Of Missions[]

Over The Rainbow: Cut off the charging army of Hel's dead warriors from the Bifrost and succesfully reach the top of the rainbow

Ashes To Lava: Deep in the heart of Muspelheim the demon Surtur awaits one who dares challenges him for the Twilight Sword

Icy Reception: The Frost Giants of Jotunheim are suffering due to global warming and are sending their leader Ymir to freeze the earth.

Thy Kingdom Come: The Norse God of Tricks Loki has taken over the throne to Asgard, its time to show him his errors.

The Dark World: Dark Elves are gathering around the worlds and only one man, or elf, is behind this, Malekith the Accursed.
